Froyle Fete and Flower Show 2012

MovieThis year's Fête, the 66th, was advertised as a traditional village entertainment, and it was just that.
Despite rather wet conditions, especially underfoot, there was a very good turnout which made it all worthwhile

Froyle Fete 2012
Froyle Fete 2012

Eddie Hatcher opened the Fête - his 30th

Stallholders braved the rain
Froyle Fete 2012 Froyle Fete 2012
There was plenty to buy
Froyle Fete 2012 Froyle Fete 2012
Eddie Hatcher, Nigel Southern & Nigel Fisher provided the barbecue
The Bric a brac stall was popular
Froyle Fete 2012
Froyle Fete 2012
Teas on the patio
Froyle Fete 2012
Froyle Fete 2012
Wheelbarrow races
A traditional coconut shie
Froyle Fete 2012
Froyle Fete 2012
The Judges keep their eyes on competitors in the “Scruffiest Dog” category
Froyle Fete 2012 Froyle Fete 2012
The Gardening Club Flower Show put on a fine display despite the atrocious weather of the previous months
Froyle Fete 2012 Froyle Fete 2012
Froyle Fete 2012 Froyle Fete 2012