The Anchor
The Anchor Inn
The Anchor was first mentioned in Parish records in 1806, but the building is much older than that, possibly dating back to the 14th Century. Meetings of the Overseers were held alternately at the Hen & Chicken and the Anchor. The picture above dates from the late 1940s and the one below was taken in 1961.
The Anchor in 1961
In the early hours of Monday, March 26th 2007, while undergoing refurbishment, a fire broke out in part of the building. The photograph below shows the aftermath after the incident had been dealt with by Hampshire Fire & Rescue.
March 26th 2007

The Anchor 2008
“The Anchor” re-opened in early 2008, but, because of its alignment (it needs to be photographed early in the morning beacause of the position of the sun) it was only at the beginning of May 2008 we were able to get some pictures that do justice to the re-furbishment. As a result, the ‘Then & Now’ has also been updated. You can also visit The Anchor’s own website by following the menu item below (opens in a new window).