Blundens Farm Cottage
Blundens Farm Cottage
This picture is very difficult to date precisely, as it is one of a set that was available as late as the 1950s, but was probably taken in the 1920s. Others with the same typeface and numbers on the caption, have identical versions of the pictures with postmarks in the 1920s. It seems that the pictures were re-issued over the years by different postcard publishers. The saint, on the right hand end of the cottage , is the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This is one of those cottages in Froyle that has remained virtually unchanged for many years, as the picture below, taken in 1998, clearly shows, the only noticeable difference being the addition of television aerials in the modern picture!
Blundens Farm Cottage 1998
The cottage is Grade 2 Listed. English Heritage gives the following information:-

Blunden's Farm GV II House. C17 and C18, with C19 features. Timber frame, with a tiled roof. 1 storey and attic, 2 windows. Plain roof, with catslide at rear, 2 gabled dormers with cills at eaves level. Exposed frame (indicating C17 and C18 periods of construction) with brick infill, plinth; north gabled tile-hung for the most part. Leaded casements. Boarded door in a plain frame. Statue on a bracket (c1900), beneath the eaves at the north side.

Information from English Heritage, Images of England