Fete History
The Froyle Archive looks at Fêtes & Flower Shows in Froyle
from the early days to the 70th in 2016
Dog Show
What on earth is going on here in 1988?
Oh! It’s only a Dog Show!
Fancy Dress 1990
Fancy Dress winners in 1990

Froyle Fête Princess Claire Carr, along with her attendants,
Poppy Ben-David (left), and Laura Carr have fun at the 1991 Fête.

Roy and Roy 1982
(Don’t know the sheep’s name!)


Contestants in the Wheelbarrow Grand Prix in 1991.
The previous photographs, you will have noticed, have all been black and white.
This is because they were all taken when Annette was the village correspondent for the Alton Herad with Chris working as her photographer.
In 1991 the Herald decided to do away with village correspondents!
The colour photographs on the last page have all been taken for froyle.com since 1998.