The Pump

Chapel Cottages

The picture above shows the area to the left of Lower Froyle Stores in the 1920s after the the malthouses and granary were demolished. At this time Froyle had no mains water and the majority of houses had a well (you can read about the wells in Froyle in Bill Elstow’s Wells in Memories).
CloseupThis area had the benefit of a pump which you can see on the right of the picture - I have enlarged the area of the photo (right).
Villagers remember this pump as being housed in a shed in later days, and, when Glebe Cottage was converted from the old store, the well finished up in a corner of its garden.
The pump at the head of the well - a substantial device with a 3” lift pipe which required strong arms - was recovered by David Bennett, cleaned up and repainted, and now stands in pride of place in his garden.
It still works, but when you operate the handle, despite liberal application of WD40, you can imagine how tiring it must have been to raise enough water for a decent bath in the old days! Below, the pump in all its glory in 2008.

The pump 2008