Ford's Cottage
Ford's Cottage in the 1930s

Ford's Cottage 1999

Its name today is simply “The Cottage”, but it was known as Ford’s Cottage as a Jonathan Ford who was a servant at Husseys Farm, just across the road, lived there. In 1841 it was two cottages and since then it has been extensively restored and extended.
The old picture is from the 1930s and the modern one was taken in 1999.

Quite a few changes have taken place:-

  • The road has been made up and the whole area considerably smartened up.
  • Power lines have appeared (soon after the old picture was taken).
  • Ford’s Cottage looks virtually unchanged but it has been modernised totally.
  • There are nowadays no haystacks in the field in the distance.

The cottage was Grade 2 Listed in May 1985. English Heritage gives the following information:-

The Cottage. II Cottage. C18. Brick walls and thatched roof. L-shaped block with single- storeyed unti in the gable; symmetrical front (south) of 2 storeys, 2 windows. Roof hipped at the east end; at the rear it extends to a lower eaves as tiling, and connects to the tiled roof of the extension. The upper front wall is tile- hung, but other walling is of English bond, with blue headers, on a stone plinth. Casements. French door, beneath a thatched canopy on posts.

Information from English Heritage, Images of England