Upper Froyle Post Office
Upper Froyle Post Office 1920s Upper Froyle Post Office 2007
This was the Post Office and shop in Upper Froyle until the 1980s. The old picture was taken in the 1920s and the modern one in April 2007. There are few visible changes between the pictures:-
  • The shop closed in the late 1980s and has been converted into living space for the cottage.
  • The hedge seems to be relatively unchanged, apart from being cut back to allow access.

The cottage was Grade 2 Listed in July 1963. English Heritage gives the following information:-
Post Office and Post Office Cottage 31/07/63 II Shop and cottage. Late C16, and late C18. Timber framed, with brick and stone walls, and a thatched roof. L-shaped block, the arm at right angles to the roadway being a heavy timber frame, with the C18 arm attached to the rear; 1 storey and attic, irregular fenestration. Plain roof shape, 2 eyebrow dormers, and another gabled dormer with tiled roof set within a tiled section of the main roof. The frame is exposed on 2 sides, with brick infill, the south side being a brick wall in Flemish bond, the rear part has walls of roughly coursed chalkstone, with brick quoins, bands, plinth band, and narrow flint bands in the north gable. Casements, an oriel frame above the shop having a central niche with a small saint's statue (c1900). Boarded cottage door, beneath a tiled canopy.
Information from English Heritage, Images of England