Park Edge
Park Edge around 1910
Park Edge was built on the site of Heath’s Farm. As can be seen from this photograph, from a postcard postmarked September 26th 1912, it is virtually opposite the Post Office, and just down the road from the old School. Tom Knight wrote in 1956.....

“A house, called Froyle Park, owned by the Moody's, descendants of the Drapers, stood opposite the present school. The walled premises, now occupied by the school and schoolhouse, formed the kitchen garden for this house. Fern Cottage and Heath's Farm, (where Park Edge now stands), were small-holdings, with a Blacksmith’s Shop and a large barn at the back. When Park Edge was built, this barn was pulled down, re-built at Blunden’s Farm, and is still in use. It was originally thatched, but is now tiled.”