The Vicarage
Froyle Vicarage in 1982 Rear of Froyle Vicarage in the 1930s
Writing in 1941, Christopher Hussey describes the Vicarage.
“The front of the Vicarage is early Georgian, and part of the back Elizabethan, or perhaps even earlier. The window tax operated from 1697 - 1851, and there are several bricked up windows. In 1766, the tax was 1/6d per window. The vicarage is a larger version of Froyle Cottage tacked on to an earlier building of sixteenth-century origin. It is a rambling, homely, gentlemanly house, with large stables, where the Rev. Richard Follen (1773) was vicar for 30 years, to be followed in 1804 till 1864 by the Rev., afterwards Sir, Thomas Combe Miller, both of whom employed curates who lived in the vicarage. During the Rev. Sir Thomas’s incumbency Anglicanism was enforced by his double authority of parson and squire, though it is perhaps significant that, in spite of this, a Wesleyan meeting-house was built in Lower Froyle in 1861, still in the Georgian tradition of clunch and brick.”

The left hand picture shows the Vicarage in 1982 - the right hand one shows the rear of the buildings in the 1930s
(click on the pictures to enlarge them)

In late 2017 we received a couple of photographs showing life in Upper Froyle at the end of the 19th Century. They came from Lady Cynthia Floud (a descendant of the then Vicar, Henry Castle Floud) who had been researching her family tree. We don’t have a precise date, but they show “The Vicarage” and the vicar’s wife, Mrs Annie Floud as well as a photograph of the rear of the building that matches the 1930s picture above.