The Vicarys
In December 2005 we received an email from Alison Vickery in Australia enquiring about a house named “Banberries” in Lower Froyle. Now that spelling doesn't appear anywhere - but - even in 2005 we have a Bamber Lane, Bamber Cottages and Bamber Lane Cottages.
In 'olden times' it has been known as Bamberous, Bambrass and Bambries, so there might be a connection there. We also have in the field names Bambrass Down Arable and Bambrass Coppice Wood which are just over the road from the cottages. The Hampshire dialect gives us a big headache with names in the past so perhaps Banberries could have been corrupted to our Bamberous.
Alison kindly supplied us with a transcript of John Vicary’s will dated November 9th 1587 along with an inventory of “Banberries” which she has allowed us to include here (links below).
To put things into context, here is a map of the Bamber area of Lower Froyle surveyed around 1870. There is no mention of Bamber at all - the modern named Bamber Lane Cottages are shown as Saintburyhill Cottages. The interesting feature is the area I have shaded red - see below.
Bamber Lane 1870ish
Bamber Lane 1817
This map of 1817 shows that the cottages have not yet been built, but the area beyond them is rather different. A comparison with a modern aerial photograph is interesting.
The photograph above, taken in 2002 from a Chinook of 27 Squadron from RAF Odiham, shows the area around Bamber Lane. The ? indicates (possibly) the site of “Banberries”, but we need a lot more information to locate it properly! However, it is interesting to note that the fields above the lane are called “Bambrass Down” and “Bambrass Coppice”......