The slides of the Rev A E Wright
Froyle Mill 1888
Slide 92 records Froyle Mill - “A little further ‘downstream’ we come upon Froyle Mill. It used to drive a good trade I fancy; for I was at Mr. Young’s sale and bought some very good old furniture. The snow has covered the path and also the flat meadows below, where good skating can be had if an extensive overflow is followed by a frost. Two of my young friends are seen hand in hand; a school boy from Yorkshire who used to come and stay with me at the vicarage and talked of becoming my ‘Curate when I should get a living but he died of a heart seizure just after a football match. Charlie was a sweet boy and I grieved to lose him. The little maid is an Italian child, Nancy to whom I became a guardian and who is now married and has a group of boys herself in the north of England.”

We originally copied these slides in April 2001 and posted them here. Later on we were contacted from the USA by Matt Walker who is one of Nancys great grandsons and he sent us some more of Rev. Walkers pictures - follow the More link immediately below.
He has also been able to date the picture above from the caption in Reverend Wright’s album which reads “A Winter’s Walk; January 1887”.

Mill Court 1888
Slide no. 91 records Mill Court - “Here is a tempting pool for the ‘Angler in the little river Wey which flows between the two parishes of Binsted and Froyle. The ruins of an old Flushing Blanket Mill, long since disused, stand as a memento of the early days of the last century when weaving was done here. The residence adjoining it on the top of the hill behind our backs takes its name Mill Court from this site. Possibly there was an old corn mill before the speculation in blankets was thought of.”