Shrubbery House
Shrubbery House 1912
Shrubbery House 1999
Shrubbery House lies on the other side of the main road between Farnham and Alton. The old picture was taken in 1912 and the modern one in summer 1999. As a result of its location it is not possible to exactly match the camera position and there are quite a few visible changes between the pictures:-
  • The main road (A31) has been rebuilt as a dual carriageway.
  • The house now lies on a small slip road off the A31.
  • Trees have been planted to screen the house from the traffic.

But the tall tree on the right of the old picture is still there!

The house was Grade 2 Listed in July 1963. English Heritage gives the following information:-
The Shrubbery House, and Shrubbery Cottage.(Formerly 31/07/63 listed as the Old Shrubbery House.) II Large House, the north wing now used as a separate dwelling (cottage). C18, with extensions of c1900. Brick walls and tiled roof. The building is at right angles to the roadway, the original part being L-shaped with the north wing adjoining the road; larger additions to the south east and rear are of the Edwardian period. The front (south west) is of 2 storeys, with 2 octagonal 2 storeyed bays and windows, the taller extension projecting forwards, with a rectangular bay, of 3.1 windows. Hipped tile roof (small slate section). Walls of Flemish bond, parapet with coping, rubbed flat arches, 1st floor bond and plinth to the bays and to the extension. Sashes in reveals. At the junction of the old and newer parts is an Edwardian semi-circular porch, with parapet (raised in the centre above a niche containing a statue of a saint), entablature, narrow flanking sash windows, pilasters, fanlight, and 6-panelled door. The roadside elevation is 2 storeys and attic, 3 above 5 windows. Tile roof, brick dentil eaves, 2 flat roofed dormers. Painted walls in Flemish bond, cambered ground floor openings. Oak casements and plain doorway. The rear is a complex of projecting units (c1900) with gables, tile-hanging, painted brick and rendered walls, and vernacular features.
Information from English Heritage, Images of England