Shrubbery House
Shrubbery House from  Froyle Park
Beyond the dip in the road called Quarry Bottom, from which the grey sandstone used in the village came, is Shrubbery House, the one time home of Sir Hubert Miller, Bt., of Froyle. It was originally a River keeper’s cottage, and the advertisement for the auction of Bonhams in 1836, says that it is “bounded by a fine trout stream called the Wey which runs through a considerable portion of the estate and the excellent game preserves of Sir T.C.Miller, Bt.” Lady Lindsay added to this cottage and formed it into a residence. It came into Sir Hubert’s possession, and he extended it several times downhill towards the river. Someone was heard to remark, after Sir Hubert’s death in 1940, “If Sir Hubert had lived a few years longer the Shrubbery would have reached the river”.